What is the purpose of the life in the UK test

This article is all  about the purpose of the Life in the UK test

If you need training then you can visit our Life in the UK test training page and B1 English test page.


1. What is the importance of Life in the UK test for citizenship

2. The life in the UK test is a compulsory requirement for citizenship

3. Following is the detailed information about the standard requirements for naturalisation

4. Why are there two certificates that you will need before you apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain or British Citizenship?

5. How can a teacher help you?


1. What Is the Importance Of Life in the UK Test For Citizenship?

The Life in the UK test was introduced in the 2005 for naturalisation and in 2007 for settlement. People, who are wishing to apply for naturalisation of British citizenship or for settlement which is also called indefinite leave to remain (ILR) and whose level of English language is ESOL 3 or above, must pass this Life in the UK test for citizenship. This test has been designed to evaluate basically two things.

First, the candidate’s knowledge of British life, and second, the abilities and knowledge of the English language. Through the Life in the UK test for citizenship, the UK government is assessing if the applicants have sufficient knowledge of life in the UK and the required knowledge of the English language.

2. The Life in the UK test is a Compulsory Requirement for Citizenship!

The Life in the UK Test is compulsory for each person wanting to apply for naturalisation as a UK citizen or permanent residence. This is also known as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) or UK settlement.

If you meet the standard requirements for naturalisation, then you are eligible to apply for British citizenship.

For the Life in the UK Test booking, first, think about training. We provide excellent training to help you pass the exam the first time.

3. Following is the detailed information about standard requirement for naturalisation

You can apply for British citizenship by the naturalisation if:

  1. You are 18 or above
  2. You will continue to live in the UK
  3. You have meet the sufficient knowledge of English and life in the UK requirements

Apart from this, you must usually also have:

  1. Lived in the UK for minimum 5 years before the date of your application
  2. Spent no more than 450 days outside of the UK during 5 years
  3. Spent no more than 90 days outside of the UK in the past 12 months
  4. Been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK
  5. Had indefinite leave to remain in the UK for the last 12 months
  6. Not broken any kind of immigration rules while being in the UK

4. Why are there two certificates that you will need before you apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain or British Citizenship?

Normally, you are only eligible to apply for Life in the UK test and B1 English test for citizenship 12 months after you are granted Indefinite Leave to Remain as this is when you become “free from immigration time restrictions”. This extra requirement means that achieving UK settlement takes an extra year compared to an ILR. But, people who are applying as the spouse or partner of someone settled in the United Kingdom or a British citizen then, you don’t need to wait for 12 months after being granted ILR.


If you would still like to understand the entire Life in the UK test book then we do have an audio version on our full course. Our Life in the UK test practice questions includes the official handbook and audiobook (3rd edition). You can access that content here.

Once you are ready to take your test make sure you have either listened to the audio book or have completed all the practice questions in their entirety to ensure that you pass with confidence!

If you have any questions or would like to speak to me personally or my team or teachers please visit our contact us page or call 07523678891 and we will be happy to help.

Have a great day Fast Trackers always be the best and remember when you pass your exams and are British help others the same way we help you!

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